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blog by: El Paraje
Berchules, Granada, Spain

28 April 2010

Lupinus angustifolius or Blue Lupine

One of the wild flowers that will catch your eye when you drive up our track at the moment, is the Lupinus angustofolius or Narrowleaf Lupine. If you were to go higher up our ´pista´, you would just see fields full of this gorgeous lupine. They have a magnificent violet blue colour and there are probably thousands in flower on our finca at this moment. This plant is a member of the pea family (fabacea) and are sometimes grown for its edible seeds that ripen from August to September. They are used as a protein-rich vegetable or savoury dish in any of the ways that cooked beans are used, they can also be roasted or ground into a powder. If the seed is bitter it should be thoroughly leached before being cooked. According to the Spanish text on this ´altramuz azul´ on Wikipedia, the seeds are preserved in ´salmuero´ and served as an appetizer. We are curious to find out where. This plant was first described by the Swedish botanist Carl Linanaeus (1707-1778).

Related key words: blauwe lupine, abayobas, alberjón, altramuces silvestres, altramús, altramuz, altramuz amargo, altramuz azul, altramuz de hoja estrecha, altramuz loco, altramuz silvestre, altramuz silvestre azul, altramuz silvestre, azul, altramuz silvestre de flor azul, altramuz silvestre de flores azules, artambuces locos, chícharo de raposo, chocho, fabaslocas, haba de lagarto, habas locas, llobi, lupino, lupino azul, mollitos, titones, uñas de milano, bitterlupine, blaue lupine, schmalblättrige lupine, lupin à feuilles ètroites, lupin à folioles étroites, lupin a feuilles etroites, lupin a folioles etroites, lupin bleu, lupin petit bleu, vlinderbloemenfamilie, leguminosae, hülsenfrüchtler, leguminosen,  schmetterlingsblütenartigen, fabales

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