Dianthus lusitanus is a pink carnation which we have seen a number of times growing between rocks and slates in differents parts of the Sierra Nevada. This explains why one of its names in Spanish is ´
clavellina de roca´ or ´rock carnation´. Last week we saw a small number of this wild carnation in flower on our own finca along the path going up to the high threshing floor. This
Dianthus lusitanus has a pleasant smell and grows in different parts of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. On the internet we have not found any information on this Lusitanian pink in English, only general information of this flowering plant in the family Caryophyllaceae. According to a text on wikipedia, the name
Dianthus is from the Greek words dios ("god") and anthos ("flower"), and was cited by the Greek botanist
Theophrastus. The Portuguese botanist
Félix Avellar Brotero (1744–1828) is the authority of the botanical name Dianthus lusitanus, which at the same time might explain the term ´lusitanus´ that refers to Portugal.
Related key words: clavel, clavelera, clavelera de risco, claveles de las peñas, claveles silvestres, clavelillo, clavelina, clavelina lusitana, clavellina, clavellina de rocas, clavel silvestre, wilde anjer, lusitaanse anjer, anjerfamilie, nelken, nelkengewächse, Alpujarras, Sierra Nevada, wandelen, wandelingen, trektocht, standplaats vakantie, hiking, trekking, Berchules, B&B, hotel, wanderungen
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