To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Sierra Nevada as National Park, there was an exhibition organised called ´Luces de Sulayr´ at the Centro Cultural de la Caja de Granada in Granada. ´Sulayr´ or ´Mountain of Sun´ as the Arabs called the Sierra Nevada has served as a source of inspiration for many artists, painters and writers. Apart from paintings, books and photographs, there is also a lot of unique material of botanists and cartographers. For the exhibition ´Lights of the Sulayr´ the most interesting images of the past five centuries were brought together. The exhibition was closed three weeks ago, but a
virtual visit of ´Luces de Sulayr´ is still possible. This comprehensive website offers many paintings, photographs, soundtracks, maps and digitalised books from 16th century up to recent publications. To discover the content of this website is an adventure in it´s own and worth the effort. While glancing through one of the books, we came for example across this drawing of Bérchules from 1752! On this drawing the churches and mills can be observed, acequias and barrancos, but also the cultivated terraces like vineyards. This drawing is incorporated in the
Álbum Cartográfico de Sierra Nevada 1606-1936 , by Javier Piñar and Manuel Titos (1995).
Related links.
- exposition catalogue: Luces de Sulayr, cinco siglos en la imagen de sierra nevada (or catalogos de exposicion)
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